This is a group of 27 analcime crystals and crystal clusters from an unusual location: Terlingua, Texas. Analcime is in the zeolite group. Its chemical formula is Na(AlSi2O6) · H2O. Of interest is that analcime crystals have 24(?) faces.

The group consists of smaller size individual crystals, and small clusters. None of them are very large, ranging in size from approximately 8 mm (.8 cm) to 26 mm (2.6 cm). See the picture above. The scale is in millimeters/centimeters.
The crystals are fairly well shaped, and most have decent luster. Some have some unknown matrix. Some of the matrix has some interesting radial type growth (natrolite maybe?).
The price for this group of analcime crystals and clusters is $54.00 plus shipping. That’s an average of only $2 for each of these nice little crystals. If you’d like to get this group, please let us know by filling out our Contact Form.
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