This page will eventually have lots of cool rocks posted and available for sale. But for now we only have a few. Check them out down below after the blue lace agate from Namibia. But you can also check out our sister blog on Tumblr, Cool Rocks.
Here are a few pictures from our Tumblr blog, Cool Rocks, to give you an idea of what you’ll find there, and what you might find here for sale in the future.

Wavellite from Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery County, Arkansas

Fluorite on strontianite on fluorite from Mun. de Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila, Mexico.

Blue tiger eye from South Africa

Rhodochrosite from Argentina
Fluorescent mineral display showing long wave on the left, short wave on the right, glow in the dark (phosphorescence or afterglow) and white light.
End members of the scheelite-powellite series under white light and short wave ultraviolet.

Cool Rocks For Sale
Terlingua Marbles
These are “Terlingua Marbles” that are very much like the well known Moqui Marbles of Utah. These Terlingua Marbles are from Nine-Point Mesa, an area north of Terlingua in central Brewster County, Texas. Like Moqui Marbles from Utah, these appear to be iron mineral concretions. They are heavy, but non-magnetic. They’re mostly round/spherical shaped. They look like chocolate truffles dusted with cocoa powder. Some of them even have a flat spot on them making them look even more like a chocolate truffle.
We have these Terlingua Marbles in 4 different size/price ranges. The first size is 33-50 grams for $4.00 each. The next size is 56-62 grams for $5.00 each. For the third size, we have four of them weighing between 66 and 72 grams for $6.00 each. And lastly, we have six of them between 86 and 102 grams for $7.00 each. We have to add shipping to the cost of these. But if you get four or more, we’ll take a dollar off the cost of each one. Click here to see more pictures of these Terlingua Marbles.
If you’d like to purchase any of these Terlingua Marbles, or any of the other rocks on these pages, please complete our Contact Form to let us know.
Analcime Crystals and Clusters
This is a group of 27 analcime crystals and crystal clusters from an unusual location: Terlingua, Texas. Analcime is in the zeolite group. Its chemical formula is Na(AlSi2O6) · H2O. Of interest is that analcime crystals have 24(?) faces.

The price for this lot of analcime crystals & crystal clusters is $54.00 plus shipping.
Click here to learn more about this group of anacime crystals and crystal clusters.
If you’d like to purchase this lot of anacime crystals and crystal clusters, or any of the other rocks on these pages, please complete our Contact Form to let us know.