Terlingua Calcite
Terlingua Calcite for sale. Classic, hard-to-find material. Bright, multi-wave, multi-color fluorescence. Bulk material, individual specimens, prepped or unprepped as found. All sizes and price points available. Except for the picture of the bulk material, all of the Terlingua Calcite pictures below were taken under long wave ultraviolet.
***While most of the pieces on this page have been sold, we have significant quantities of this material available. We will be updating the site soon with new pieces. During this time, if you’d like a piece in a particular size, weight, or price range, please complete our Contact Form to let us know. We’ll be happy to find a good one for you in our inventory.
Click on any of the pictures below to find out more and see the specimens in the other wavelengths of ultraviolet light. ***Please note that the pictures are optimized for a desktop computer monitor and represent what we see with our eyes when we are taking pictures of the rocks. The pictures as seen on a phone or tablet screen may tend to look brighter and/or more color saturated than as seen on a desktop monitor, or in person.***
If you’d like to purchase any of the Terlingua Calcite for sale shown on this page, let us know by filling out the Contact Form.

Fluorescent Minerals
Calcite from Terlingua (NOT to be confused with Terlingua Calcite)

These are pieces of calcite from Terlingua, Texas. Not to be confused with Terlingua Calcite. Terlingua Calcite fluoresces pink under long wave ultraviolet, and blue under short wave ultraviolet. It also phosphoresces bright blue for several seconds after exposure to short wave u.v. These pieces fluoresce white and cream to caramel under long wave, mid-wave, and short wave ultraviolet. They are brightest under long wave, almost as bright under mid-wave, and dimmer under short wave. They phosphoresce, but not brightly, and only briefly.
Cool Rocks
Terlingua Marbles

If you’d like to purchase any of the Terlingua Calcite (or Terlingua Marbles) for sale shown on this page, let us know by filling out the Contact Form.
Analcime Crystals and Clusters
This is a group of 27 analcime crystals and crystal clusters from an unusual location: Terlingua, Texas. Analcime is in the zeolite group. Its chemical formula is Na(AlSi2O6) · H2O. Of interest is that analcime crystals have 24(?) faces.

The price for this lot of analcime crystals & crystal clusters is $54.00 plus shipping.
Click here to learn more about this group of anacime crystals and crystal clusters.
If you’d like to purchase this lot of anacime crystals and crystal clusters, or any of the other rocks on these pages, please complete our Contact Form to let us know.
Be sure to check out our sister blog, Cool Rocks.